Skin Dos and Dont's
Would your skin get red without a reason? Will it react to most-accepted products? Do you get dry, itchy patches in the summer, or outbreaks and irritation throughout the year? In case you answered 'yes' to most or all of these questions, then should you have delicate skin.
Don't Over-Wash
Make use of a gentle cleanser (without strong fragrances) to clean the face. The key is to find a product that will clean your skin, while keeping its protective oil-barrier undamaged.
Don't Over-Exfoliate
Avoid exfoliants that contain beads or micro grains which require a scrubbing or rubbing movement. This may cause the skin's surface to crack and could lead to inflammation and irritation. Use an exfoliant that gently fractures up the dead pores and skin cells' top layer, without needing to physically 'rub' it off.
Do Use Lukewarm Drinking water to clean Your Face
Prevent extreme temperatures if you are using water on the face. Hot water can be too harsh and drying out on the skin, while cold water can cause broken capillaries and inflammation.
Do Protect and HydrateYour Skin Daily
This is essential to keep the skin well hydrated, while by using a moisturizer that will not cause discomfort or redness. Look for products that are 'gentle, hypoallergenic, aroma-free and/or water-based'. (Tip: The easiest method to find-out if a product is 'water-based' is to look at the ingredient list. In the event that the first ingredient is: water, then the method water-based. )
Do Put on Sunscreen Daily
Everyone should be wearing sunscreen regularly, however, the sun becomes even more harmful for someone with sensitive pores and skin (who needs that extra layer of protection).
Carry out Add Antioxidants to The Skin
Antioxidants are powerful ingredients that help to protect your skin from harmful free radicals (pollution, sunlight... ) that are in charge of wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, uneven pores and skin tone, and more. Appearance for serums with added-antioxidants.
Do Put in a Weekly Encounter Mask to Your Skin care Routine
Face masks for sensitive skin are wonderful to help repair and create an extra coating of protection on the skin.
Do Treat The Skin to a Regular monthly Face
A monthly face specific for sensitive pores and skin will further repair and soothe your skin. It will also help provide extra protection for sensitive pores and skin to minimize chances of irritation.
As critical as it is to follow the dos and don'ts for sensitive skin, it is equally as important to keep in mind that everyone's pores and skin reacts differently to certain companies ingredients. Always test new items on a plot|a spot of skin beforehand and try to constantly keep close track of any new reaction or irritation.