*Developing With Your Child
Frequently we hear people say, love you, as easy as it seems|noises|appears an universe of treatment and protection is swallowed up in it. The most defined meaning of devotion can be seen between a newly born and the parent. Their entire world sums up to just one word, MY PERSONAL CHILD.
Responsibilities come with parenthood and they keep increasing their horizon as the child grows. At first it starts with nourishing the newborn timely, changing diapers and taking good care of their health related issues. At this time the communication is one sided and more understanding of indication language is involved (for evident reasons because a newly born can't talk).
Every child learns to walk; the duties of a parent include creating space and making their house an accident free zone. All sharp edges are covered and everything fragile finds a place on the top shelves. The communication process takes a jump further, now both can understand what is expected of the other (actions now are specific and result oriented).
As soon as the child begins going to school, a parent's responsibility takes a wide turn. For the first time a child leaves the safety of his house and would go to a place where everyone is a stranger. The role of the parent here is to find, "A home away from home". Education becomes priority and teachers become secondary mother or father. During this phase the psychology of a child changes as they is surrounded by similar age groups who speak and will the same. They learn the euphoric pleasures (Good and bad) and appears for all possible ways to apply them.
Adolescence is the age where communication aims to survive the most. The hormonal change in a child wants them to be independent also to be able to make duties on their own. As a parent we expect them to be immature and with little understanding of right and incorrect. This results in rest of communication between the two. Only step to survive this situation is, "hearing". As a mother or father we must give some duties with authority to our child. This will boost their confidence and will make them to initiate efforts in little things in life. Discussion between the two should turn into a daily routine and it should be accompanied by regular updates.
Guidance and moral support is required each time a child finishes college and strives hard to modify in the real world (Survival of the fittest theory applies here). A parent's mere responsibility here is to uphold his/her child in their decisions. They are adult enough to understand their better and things that affect their growth in life. Be there for them when they need and also when they don't.
Understanding the relationship of love differs; everyone has their own point of view. The best way is to sail with the flow. Love should be the most crucial factor in all of the above mentioned stages of a child's life. This kind of should be the single regular change that a parent must adhere to. As a parent you should be omnipresent with your views but the implementation pressure should not be there on the kid. Be a friend, a mate with whom they calm down, have a blast and can discuss their heart out. Allow the child in you roll out, it might be worth it!