Sometimes dirty little secrets you want to go away don't involve you directly, but instead someone in the family. This is the case with legendary actor Laurence Fishburne. From Apocalypse Now to The Matrix, Fishburne has taken on some big movies. It appears the acting bug runs in the family (but not in the way you'd expect). You see, Fishburne's daughter Montana is an actress, but they aren't the roles her father is proud of.
That's because Montana has appeared in a couple porno films and I imagine it's been more than a bit embarrassing for Lawrence to discuss. Montana was barely 18 years old when she first decided to star in a XXX film. Her father went through hell trying to keep the tape from being released and even had the help of his buddies to buy up $1 Million worth of copies before anyone else could see it, but unfortunately it was already shipped to the stores.
These days, the father-daughter relationship is still a bit rocky. Montana hopes to come out of this in a positive way and references Kim Kardashian of an example she hopes to follow.